Tuesday 23 April 2013

Analyzing Media

South Sudan orders resumption of oil production

The Audience and purpose
The audience for this is for  people who are concern about the world oil production which we all knows effects everyone in the world economically.
if there's any bit of trouble in the oil industry it makes the market more demanding which is leads to higher prices for gas which means everything is effected to food price and transport going up. 

 The purpose is the two countries develop over this crisis from to society getting people back into there normal everyday life.


The language that is being used in this articular is very professional it goes into deep detail over the troubles of the two countries which where once united country for a long time. with the conflict how the lose of revenue has been the

Analyzing Headlines

"South Sudan orders resumption of oil production"

when looking at the headlines is it shows that the country is determent 

Analyzing Images

Damaged oil pipes (April 2012)

when analyzing this image it shows it all that people are back in work and shows a pipe line that gives a good sign that oil production is back on track in south Sudan 

Fact and opinion

The facts about this is that the good sign is more oil is getting  back into the market means better for the world's market and diffidently for both countries in Sudan makes the country grow again after the split and tensions of war sparking off civil war or war with the 2 nations.   

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